Focus Controllers & Motors
FocusCube 3 Universal
Introducing the Pegasus Astro FocusCube 3, our cutting-edge solution for achieving fast, reliable, and precise focusing of your telescope in the ever-evolving field of astro-photography. In [...]
FocusCube 2 Universal
DISCONTINUED - Replaced by FocusCube3 A must have for successful astrophotography sessions Focus fast, reliable, and accurate your telescope by using the “FocusCube 2“. The evolution [...]
Motor Focus Kit v2 (Universal)
Motor Focus Kit v2 (Universal) Focus fast and accurately on your telescope by using our powerful Motor Focus Kit v2. This high-resolution geared box has a 0,06-degree [...]
FocusCube Zero (For SCTs)
FocusCube Zero A must have for successful astrophotography sessions with your SCT telescope Focus fast, reliable, and accurate your Celestron SCT telescope by using the “FocusCube [...]
Motor Focus Kit Zero (For SCTs)
Motor Focus Kit Zero (For SCTs) A must have for successful astrophotography sessions Focus accurately and fast your Celestron SCT telescope using our powerful Motor Focus [...]
Hand Controller for FocusCube
Hand Controller for FocusCube (v1, v2 and Zero) This simple hand controller allows precise manual focus, vibration-free!Compatible with:FocusCube v1FocusCube v2FocusCube Zero>> Please note that this hand controller is [...]
EZY Focus Hand Controller
EZY Focus Hand Controller Experience unparalleled precision with the EZY Focus Hand Controller, designed to deliver exceptional control over your motorized focuser. Say goodbye to vibrations and [...]
eXternal Motor Controller
eXternal Motor Controller An Ultimate Powerbox v2, v3, Pocket Powerbox Advance & Micro expansion accessory The external motor controller (in short XMC) was designed to expand the [...]
Dual Motor Focus Controller
Dual Motor Focus Controller Focus fast, reliable , and accurate your telescope using a stepper or DC motor and our controller. Version3: Same features, more powerful [...]