Command List for DewMaster2
Device exposes a USB to Serial COM port:
Manufacturer: PegasusAstro
Product: DewMaster2
VID: 303a
PID: 9007
Connection Settings: 115200, 8N1 (DTR on)
(All commands should be terminated with a new line /n)
Send: P# or ##
Receive: DM2_{id}_{revision_char}
Explanation: Reports device identifcation.
{id} is a 8 char unique identificaion string e.g 35AC34FC
revision char is the PCB revision (e.g A, B, C)
Receive: PA:{dew1_level}:{dew2_level}:{dew3_level}:{dew4_level}:{dew5_level}
Explanation: Power output (PWM duty cycle %) in percentage of the five dew ports. 0% to 100%.
Receive: D{1,2,3,4,5}:{power_percentage)
Explanation: Set power output (PWM duty cycle %) in percentage of the five dew ports. 0% to 100%.
E.g: D2:75
Receive: PC:{averageAmps}:{ampHours}:{wattHours}:{uptime_in_secs}
Reports power consumption
Send: DA{1-6}:value
Receive: DA{1-6}:value
The autodew aggresiveness value can be set from 1-10. The highest the more aggresive in provided power.
To read
Send: DAP
Receive: DAP:{dew_aggr_d1}:{dew_aggr_d2}:{dew_aggr_d3}:{dew_aggr_d4}:{dew_aggr_d5}
Receive: VR:{voltage}:{current}:{power}
Explanation: Reports input voltage in Volts, total current in Amps, Power in Watts.
Send: DSET
Receive: DSET:{dew1mode}, {dew2mode}, {dew3mode}, {dew4mode}, {dew5mode}
Explanation: Set mode for each dew port
0: Manual
1: AutoDew
2: Sensor1
3: Sensor2
To read
Send: DSH
Receive: DSH:{dew1mode}, {dew2mode}, {dew3mode}, {dew4mode}, {dew5mode}
Receive: DSTR:1
Explanation: Stores current Dew Output (from all five outputs) levels to memory.
Device retreives and sets back these levels on boot.
Explanation: Reports firmware version.
Receive: ES:{temperature}{relative_humidity}{dewpoint}:{sensor_presence}
Explanation: Reports Environmental Sensor data.
Temperature is a double in Celsius degrees
DewPoint is a double in Celsius degrees
Relative Humidity is an interger.
Sensor presense is a boolean (0 or 1} that reports if the sensor is connected.
Receive: TS:{temperature_sensor1}:{temperature_sensor2}:{sensor1_presence}:{sensor1_presence}
Explanation: Reports Temperature of sensors.
Temperature is a double in Celsius degrees
Sensor presense is a boolean (0 or 1} that reports if the sensor is connected.
Receive: CT:{temp_offset}
Explanation: Offset value for temperature sensor. The value is a signed double.
Send: CH:{humidity_offset}
Receive: CH:{humidity_offset}
Explanation: Offset value for relative humidity sensor. {humidity_offset} is a signed integer.
Send: CR
Receive: CR:{temperature_offset}:{humidity_offset}
Explanation: Read temperature and humidity sensor offsets.
{temperature_offset} is a signed double, {humidity_offset} is a signed integer
Receive: 1
Explanation: Erase all preferences from memory
Receive: RT:{uptime_in_seconds}
Explanation: Reports device uptime in seconds
Receive: no output
Explanation: Reboot device