Command List for Flatmaster Wi-Fi

Device exposes a USB to Serial COM port:

Manufacturer: PegasusAstro

Product: Flatmaster WiFi

VID: 303a

PID: 9008

Connection Settings: 115200, 8N1 (DTR on)

(All commands should be terminated with a new line /n)

Send: F# or ##

Receive: FMW_{id}_{revision_char}

Explanation: Reports device identifcation.
{id} is a 8 char unique identificaion string e.g 35AC34FC
revision char is the PCB revision (e.g A, B, C)

Send: FA

Receive: FA:{panel_brightness}:{panel_status}
Explanation: The panel brightness and the power status (0 or 1) of the panel.

Send: FL: {brightness_percetage}

Receive: FL: {brightness_percetage}

Explanation: Set brightness level percentage of panel (0 to 100)

Sent: FE:{switch}
Receive: FE:{switch}

Explanation: Enable or disable the LED panel. {switch} is a boolean.

Send: FV


Explanation: Reports firmware version.

Send: EE

Receive: EE:1

Explanation: Erase all preferences from memory

Send: FU

Receive: FU:{device_uptime_in_seconds}

Explanation: Reports device uptime in seconds

Send: FQ

Receive: no output

Explanation: Reboot device