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How serviceable is the NYX?

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:52 pm
by rimcrazy
Has anyone opened up their NYX? I made a semi-fatal error the other night and left my medium size step ladder too close to the pier and when my setup did a meridian flip the back end of my refractor landed on the top step and from what I can tell, most likely the internal belt on the RA axis must have slipped across the gears, most likely stripping part of teeth along the way. Naturally that happens and now I have at least 10 days of cloudy nights in the forecast so I cannot test anything. The mount does move in RA and DEC so visually from the outside nothing seems wrong. Home is no longer in the correct place it's about 30 degress out in RA, which is why I'm thinking the weak link inside would be the belt. DEC alignment did not move so I'm guessing that axis is fine. Assuming the motor is fine, if anything is wrong or needs replacing it would be the belt on the RA motor. Just curious if anyone has opened one up and if so how replaceable are the drive belts? Live in Az and purchase my NYX through Agena Astro. If it needs to be sent in to service not sure where I send it but I can contact Agena tomorrow and they can tell me I'm sure.