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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:04 pm
by mtweedy
I am not getting any response from the mount in any axis. I have tried re booting it and powering it off and on. I am getting the 8002 response failed to move mount in either park or home position. The power light remanins a constant red. At the moment i have a mount that I am meant to be taking to show my Grandson his first views through a telescope on tuesday that is just an expensive ornament. I have the USB connected and the cable is good and working elsewhere. As i was one of the first to receive it I am now convinced I have a defective motherboard.
EDIT. Now getting code 1201 error on start Driver NYX101 Unique key [6dc8aaab-ce4b-4478-9f00-c2e45e0cfe74]