FocusCube v3

FocusCube v1 & v2, Zero, Motor Focus Kit (Universal or Zero)
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by Astromicron »

I've just bought a Focus Cube V3.
there is some failure
I'm going to test everything properly
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by Wheeljack »

I've also concluded that the FCV3 and the Powerbox Advance Gen 2 is not a good combo.
Evans even sent me a new board, but the same thing kept happening. Sometimes it manages a focus-run, sometimes it disconnects after just a couple of move-sets. If I connect the cube directly to the PC, everything is working flawlessly. (So the actual cube works fine)

I use the same powerbox (not a different box of the same model, but the exact same one) for a smaller scope too, which has the FCV2 fitted. Same ports, same everything else and that one is working just fine, and I suspect it is because it draws its own 12v power - even if that is also through the powerbox.

Your routine is similar to mine.
- I start Unity (since it appears NINA is not able to fully take advantage of the "auto dew" settings on the heaters unless Unity is started first)
- Launch NINA
- Connect All

I will probably invest in a powerbox ultimate at some point in the future.
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Re: FocusCube v3: Problem self-inflicted and solved

Post by davevenne »

Add another user to the list of those suffering from FC3 disconnects. Same symptoms: random disconnects in both NINA and Unity. The focuser seems to finish the requested traverse just fine, but the connection is lost and can't be restored without disconnecting/reconnecting the USB cable.

I am trying to running it through a Pocket Powerbox (firmware 2.12.1). The FC3 firmware is 1.4.1.

[EDIT] The Powerbox was the key. All the USB ports on it are labeled USB 3, but they're not--two of the four are, two are USB 2. And guess which I was always connecting the FC3 to. :oops:

Problem solved by piggybacking a powered USB 3 Hub on top of the Powerbox. It's a cable nightmare right now, so I too will probably invest in an Ultimate at some point.
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by kgb2024 »

Really wish I had found this forum before I got involved with the FC3. Ended up losing a good percentage of my imaging time last night wondering why the focuser position would drop to '30' (not zero like others had experienced) and the connection to the FC3 would drop out, then throw an ASCOM error, which would then require me to unplug/replug the FC3 and reload my camera in Sharpcap which would reload the FC3. Unfortunately, after a few focus commands the failure/process would repeat.

I thought that power might have been the issue so, using all of the included cabling, I connected the FC3 through a 12v powered USB hub. This improved the connection somewhat, but I still experienced drop outs.

I did not update the firmware since I was in the field and didn't want to brick the unit in the event I had experienced a firmware failure. Will try to update the firmware before my next imaging session, but it is readily apparent that this focuser/driver was not ready for primetime when it was released.

Disappointed, but it is what it is at this point. If this unit cannot be powered through a hub, it will require me to reconfigure my entire astroimaging setup just to accommodate the FC3.
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by rheuer22 »

Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing this problem for several months now. After reading this forum I am quite relieved I am not the only one!

I have a Focus Cube 3 connected to a PBAdv Gen 2 and the focuser constantly disconnects when its moving. The position number turns to 0 and then eventually disappears from the Unity Software until I unplug and replug it in. I am running V1.4.1 on the FC3 and still am experiencing this issue. Its extremely frustrating because I've tried everything. Different cables, new computer, changed windows USB power settings, updated firmware, and more...

So finally... the conclusion I have come to is that I noticed the issue doesn't seem to happen when the FC3 USB cable is plugged into one of the USB 3 ports on the power box or plugged directly into the USB 3 port on the computer. I am trying to avoid the USB 2 ports for this one. At least that is what I have noticed, I may be wrong.. but this is my observation for now.

NOTE: not all ports on the PBAdv Gen2 are USB3 even though it is labeled that.. ONLY the blue colored port are USB 3.

- Ryan
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by Wheeljack »

rheuer22 wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 3:11 pm Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing this problem for several months now. After reading this forum I am quite relieved I am not the only one!

I have a Focus Cube 3 connected to a PBAdv Gen 2 and the focuser constantly disconnects when its moving. The position number turns to 0 and then eventually disappears from the Unity Software until I unplug and replug it in. I am running V1.4.1 on the FC3 and still am experiencing this issue. Its extremely frustrating because I've tried everything. Different cables, new computer, changed windows USB power settings, updated firmware, and more...

So finally... the conclusion I have come to is that I noticed the issue doesn't seem to happen when the FC3 USB cable is plugged into one of the USB 3 ports on the power box or plugged directly into the USB 3 port on the computer. I am trying to avoid the USB 2 ports for this one. At least that is what I have noticed, I may be wrong.. but this is my observation for now.

NOTE: not all ports on the PBAdv Gen2 are USB3 even though it is labeled that.. ONLY the blue colored port are USB 3.

- Ryan
The good news is that it's not your cube or your setup there's something wrong with.
The bad news is that it doesn't seem to be a quick-fix somewhere down the line for the combo PBAV2 / FCV3.

I have worked around my situation by connecting the FCV3 directly to the mini-PC I am using to image with.
I recently got myself a Falcon Rotator V2, which I instead connected to the USB2.0 port the FCV3 refuses to work with - and the rotator works brilliantly in that same port.
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by astroenthusiast »

Just purchased the PegasusAstro Cube 3, and it's completely doing absolutely nothing! After seeing all the post here, please tell me I didn't waste my money! Can someone please help! Before reaching out to support, I've tested all their software, lastest ASCOM drivers. Trying to use the Utility software is a joke, says the Cube3 is moving but nothing! Even ran ASCOM diagnostic, passed. Ok, please someone tell me how to get this thing to work? I have Essato version 2 and 3 from Primeluca and they work very well! What is the secret to the Cube 3 or is this just junk? Thank you and please forgive me! My whole solar session was spent, five hours trying to trouble shoot this thing!!

Oh, I am not using any controllers, the Cube 3 is hooked directly to my PC, running Windows 10, I have Windows 11, but honestly don't care for it. The Cube is on USB Serial Device (COM4), if that helps. Thanks again!
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by astroenthusiast »

astroenthusiast wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:17 am Just purchased the PegasusAstro Cube 3, and it's completely doing absolutely nothing! After seeing all the post here, please tell me I didn't waste my money! Can someone please help! Before reaching out to support, I've tested all their software, lastest ASCOM drivers. Trying to use the Utility software is a joke, says the Cube3 is moving but nothing! Even ran ASCOM diagnostic, passed. Ok, please someone tell me how to get this thing to work? I have Essato version 2 and 3 from Primeluca and they work very well! What is the secret to the Cube 3 or is this just junk? Thank you and please forgive me! My whole solar session was spent, five hours trying to trouble shoot this thing!!

Oh, I am not using any controllers, the Cube 3 is hooked directly to my PC, running Windows 10, I have Windows 11, but honestly don't care for it. The Cube is on USB Serial Device (COM4), if that helps. Thanks again!
Disregard, the Cube V3 is working fine now....
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by Whirlpool51 »

Please tell me what you did to get the FC3 to work.

Mine is as dead as a doornail. and refuses to connect to Unity.
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by stellario »

Here is my experience with two FC3.

FC3 n.1 installed at a remote location. Working fine with a Powerbox Ultimate v3, fw 1.4.1. Accidentally launched fw update: this stopped at 1%, with device lost and not recovered even after the FW flashing method (device is connected but throws some error during flashing). Pegasus support contacted, waiting for their help...

FC3 n.2 at home, tested only with direct USB to mini-pc. FW is 1.7. More or less frequent disconnections. One NUC 7-years old died during tests (it was heavily used at a remote location, so I would not blame the FC3 for this, anyway it was unusually hot before dying, see below...).

After reading here about critical power requirement, I plugged the FC3 n.2 into a USB current/voltage meter, also plugged into the mini-pc.
To my surprise, when the motor is commanded to start, there is a current surge to 1.3 A (voltage stays at 5V).
For comparison, a ZWO EAF draws about 0.3 A as per specs, absolutely zero disconnection issues.

Maybe this particular FC3 n.2 has a defective board, drawing current far above the specified 900 mA. However, 900 mA is usually the limit of USB3 ports on most modern pc's, so it's not unlikely these devices suffer disconnection issues, especially if production runs have specs that sometimes exceed 0.9 A...

I wonder whether an excess current drawn through the USB port of my now dead NUC was responsible of the accident. Probably it depends on how the internal circuit works: if it acts as a resistive load for few seconds, I suspect this can actually damage an USB port (like attaching a dew heater!).

Certainly I would recommend to use these FC3 only with USB ports delivering more than 2 A (like PPBv3 or probably their USB Control Hub: I will test one soon).
Hope this helps others,

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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by Wheeljack »

I did try the FC3 with the UPB v3 and experienced disconnects there as well, especially during Autofocus-runs in NINA. The "power-surge" you noticed could very well be an explanation.
The problem disappears as soon as I connect the FC3 directly to the MIni-PC so I plugged it back into that.

I refocus during the night and I cannot risk the focuser disconnecting way out of focus and ruining the rest of the session.
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Re: FocusCube v3

Post by stellario »

Another thing I noticed: disconnection issues can be cured by changing the advanced settings of the COM port, in “device manager”. Just use the lowest settings.

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