Software Downloads

Feature requests / 3rd party software development
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Joined: Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:48 am

Software Downloads

Post by Aloan »

Hi Folks,

Firstly, I'm a huge fan of the Pegasus products, I have the Falcon Rotator, V2 focus motor and a Ultimate power box. All work flawlessly.

My issue is with the supporting software, namely the new Unity platform. I loaded the latest version last night and now I'm having communication problems with my rotator. The message says to check the power source. I check with a multimeter and have a solid 12.4v. All worked fine up until the last upgrade.

Also, it now takes Unity about 30 seconds to launch and detect the equipment, prior to the upgrade the launch / detection process was ~10 seconds.

Don't read this as being negative, the software, (when working) is well thought out with good layouts / functionality.

Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated.
SW Esprit 120ED SUPER PRO, 0.77 flattener / Reducer; f5.4, @ 840mm
Williams Optic 60 guide scope / ASI290MM-Mini
ASI294MC- Pro, Pegasus Focus cube V2, ZWO 2" filter wheel
EQ6-R Pro, ADM Saddle, Pegasus UPB and Falcon Rotator
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