Focus Cube Zero Does not work

FocusCube v1 & v2, Zero, Motor Focus Kit (Universal or Zero)
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Focus Cube Zero Does not work

Post by 1Lostone »

I purchased the Focus Cube Zero kit for my EdgeHD 11" I installed it and it does not have enough torque to actually rotate the focus knob and move the Primary mirror. I have tried several thing, I have even played with the tension on the belt. With the tension taut It won't move, I Loosen the tension and the motor moves, but slips on the belt, I give it just a hair more tension and it won't rotate the focuser. It acts like it don't have enough torque to do the job. (And yes the mirror locks are off) I have verified that I have both sprocket's lined up with each other. I have no issues with rotating the focus knob by hand and it moves freely. Took the unit to a friends place who has the same scope and we came across the same issue.

Has anyone else come across this? If so, what did you do to fix the issue.

Thanks for reading

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Re: Focus Cube Zero Does not work

Post by Evans »

We have the same telescope: Celestron Edge HD 11 and it works perfectly fine with our setup.

Here it is in action:

It is better to reach us at for further troubleshooting
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Re: Focus Cube Zero Does not work

Post by khurst »

I received a FocusCube for my EdgeHD 8" today and it's doing the same thing as yours. Did you ever get yours working correctly?

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Re: Focus Cube Zero Does not work

Post by LKOsiliconMage »

I have a Focuscube Zero on my 2007 Celestron CPC1100. When I first got it, I had two issues. First, the large pulley had a bent flange, and second, I had the insufficient torque issue. Tech support worked with me and solved both problems quickly. They sent out a replacement large pulley, and also a replacement small pulley with a shorter belt. The smaller pulley was a good bit smaller than the original, which increased the torque plenty, so that the Focuscube ran butter smooth on my old scope. Evidently the focus knob on newer Celestrons aren't as "stiff" as mine was.

Sounds like your focus knob is stiff like mine was, and needs more torque to move. Specifically, what they did is replace the small, 40-tooth pulley on the motor side with a 16-tooth pulley, to increase the motor torque. They also sent a shorter belt necessary for the smaller pulley. The number on the belt is 200-2GT. Now, the exact pulley and belt may be different with your scope, but the idea will be the same: smaller motor-side pulley to increase the torque.

My Focuscube Zero runs great now, very smooth focusing!
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Re: Focus Cube Zero Does not work

Post by 1Lostone »

I put it back in the box after I was getting no support from the retailer that I purchased it from. That is once company that I won't be doing business with ever again. I'll send an email off to support to see what it would take to get the smaller 16 tooth gear and belt and give it another shot. Maybe I can put it on my 9.25.
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